Saturday, May 24, 2008

Active Team Chess Tournament

An Active Team Chess tournament will be held on June 22 at the University of Winnipeg. Here are some tentative details: in general, the event will be much the same as last year.

Each team must consist of 4 players (Master or expert, A, B and C or D) with total points (as of June 1st) not to exceed 7100. This rule might be varied by having the ratings published for all to see. Entry is $10 per player, which would probably be best organized as $40 to be paid by team captains. 5 rounds if 6 teams. Time control of 30 minutes. There is a suggested entry deadline of June 17.

Attention prospective players and captains! Feel free to post here on Exclam! online to indicate your desire to play, name a team, and so on. I will make sure the information is passed on.

Please note that these details are tentative.

Location: University of Winnipeg

Contact: MCA. TD will be Alex Nikouline.


arie said...

arie wasserman
leor wasserman
will like to play on june 22
thanks arie and leor

Nigel Hanrahan said...

I've passed on your note to Alex Nikouline, arie.